Happy Independence Day!
In between cookouts, fireworks, going to see movies about giant robots or rat chefs, I hope that some of you will take a moment and consider the meaning of the day off and contemplate these documents which lately have faded into history as only of historical importance:
The Declaration of Independence
The United States Constitution
If you are feeling less skeptical than I, consider Dick Cheney’s recent claim that he’s part of the legislative branch, rather than part of the executive. Further consider that he’s trying to execute executive privilege, which, well, doesn’t exist for legislators.
Or just have a hot-dog and a soda, and go see a movie. We all need a day off. Here’s a little flash video of some fireworks I did a couple of years ago.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…