Daily Archives: 11/19/2007

ANDE deorbit website…

In about a month, the ANDE satellite (otherwise known as NO-61) will deorbit. Last night I was out hunting for it, and heard a single AFSK packet which didn’t decode properly. It’s pretty hard to bounce something off it since it only wakes up for 1s out of ever 15s looking for packets. This satellite was apparently launched from the space shuttle after docking with the ISS early this year, and has limited battery power and no solar cells, so it’s understandable.

I’d really like to get one packet through it before its ultimate demise, or at least to successfully decode a packet from it.

In any case, there is a website that tracks the telemetry etc… for it.

Digipeated APRS Fix via the ISS

I looked at oscar.dcarr.org, and noted that the ISS packet radio feed appeared to be back up. We had a 15 degree pass to the west (the most favorable direction, toward the east I have a S5 noise source), so I went out and waved my antenna around, and got the following packets digipeated:

From findu.com:

KF6KYI-1>37UXPW,RS0ISS-4*,qAo,WA6LIE-4:'2+9l -/>kf6kyi@gmail.com
KF6KYI-1>37UXPW,RS0ISS-4*,qAo,WA6LIE-4:'2+9l -/>kf6kyi@gmail.com
KF6KYI-1>37UXPW,RS0ISS-4*,qAo,WA6LIE-4:'2+9l -/>kf6kyi@gmail.com

Nifty! I might leave it beaconing more today to see how I can do it just using my omni on the car.