Bouncing Packets off the ISS
Using information from the post I mentioned earlier about operating via packet on the ISS, I decided to give it a try. It was a nominal success, although the pass was short and I was operating with just 5w into the omni on the top of my car. Sorry KD7ZLF, I’ll be better prepared next time and we’ll have a real QSO.
cmd:k howdy from mark in cm87 W6MSU>APRS,RS0ISS-4*:=3803.21NS12121.62W& KD7ZLF>CQ,RS0ISS-4*,CN85::W6MSU :ge de CN85 QSL? K7SAO>CQ,RS0ISS-4*::W6MSU :Hi Guy de Stephen K7SAO>CQ,RS0ISS-4*::W6MSU :Hi Guy de Stephen W6MSU>APRS,RS0ISS-4*:=3803.21NS12121.62W& GE KD7 kd7zlf howdy! KF6KYI-1>CQ,RS0ISS-4*:kd7zlf howdy! RS0ISS-4>CQ,SGATE:>ARISS - International Space Station (BBS/APRS on) this is my first attempt a iss keyboard packet KB0VBZ>SYSWUS,WIDE2-1:`r[Rl `/>=KB0VBZ@GMAIL.COM K7SAO>CQ,RS0ISS-4*::W7XZ :Hi Jim de Stephen operating with just 5w into an omni. KF6KYI-1>CQ,RS0ISS-4*:operating with just 5w into an omni. W7XZ>APRS,RS0ISS-4*::K7SAO :Hi, Stephen. Nice pass tonight. WA0D-11>WA0D,RS0ISS-4*,EM12KW,RANDY:Happy New Year w7xz howdy from cm87 KB0VBZ>SYSWUS,WIDE2-1:`r[Rl `/>=KB0VBZ@GMAIL.COM N0AN-6>APRS,RS0ISS-4*:=4205.00N/09400.00WS73' Via Sat {UISS50} WA0D-11>WA0D,RS0ISS-4*,EM12KW,RANDY:/EX W7XZ>APRS,RS0ISS-4*:=/:Pu#/hL'- B/Jim RS0ISS-4>CQ,SGATE:>ARISS - International Space Station (BBS/APRS on) WA0D-11>WA0D,RS0ISS-4*,EM12KW,RANDY:Happy New Year WA6YET>WAYNE,RS0ISS-4*,EM36: WA0D-11>WA0D,RS0ISS-4*,EM12KW,RANDY:>Happy Holidays to all and New Years from Randy in Dallas Fort Worth Texas USA... EM-12kw KD7ZLF>CQ,RS0ISS-4*,CN85::KF6KYI-1 :ge QSL WA0D-11>WA0D,RS0ISS-4*,EM12KW,RANDY:=3256.46N/09706.00W'PHG6230 kd7zlf :qsl! thanks for the qsl card on no-44 pass is down to 6 degrees. later all. cmd:
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…