Upcoming Cubesat Launch…

On the 28th of April, a PSLV-C9 launch vehicle will carry a bunch of tiny cubesats into earth orbit. Mineo Wakita posted a list of their frequencies to the amsat-bb, which I am reposting here. Ultimately, the Delfi-C3 sat will probably be the most interesting to amateurs (it includes a linear transponder) but getting telemetry and the like from the others could be fun too. Archived here for my later consumption:

Launch 28Apr08 03:53UTC
Launch Vehicle: PSLV-C9

Preliminary TLE
1 00000U 00000C   08119.17443982  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  0013
2 00012  97.9497 178.9014 0004270 015.5590 198.2466 14.79780033 00004

Satellite    Uplink       Downlink     Beacon   Mode         Callsign
CUTE1.7     1267.600         .            .     9600bd GMSK  JQ1YTC
CUTE1.7         .         437.475         .     9600bd GMSK  JQ1YTC
CUTE1.7         .         437.475         .     1200bd AFSK  JQ1YTC
CUTE1.7         .            .         437.275  CW
SEEDS           .         437.485         .     FM,CW,Talk   JQ1YGU
DELFI-C3        .         145.870         .     1200bd BPSK  DLFIC3
DELFI-C3     435.570-530  145.880-920  145.930  FM,CW
COMPASS-1       .         437.405         .     1200bd AFSK
COMPASS-1       .            .         437.275  CW
AAUSAT-II       .         437.425      437.425  1200bd AFSK  OZ2CUB
AAUSAT-II       .         437.425      437.425  9600bd FSK   OZ2CUB
CANX-2          .         437.478         .     32Kbd-       VA3SFL
CANX-2          .        2407.650         .     256Kbd GMSK  VA3SFL