Happy Birthday, Brainwagon
On this day in 2002, I made my first posting to this blog. If any of you have hung around since then, you will see that it’s gone through a number of twists and turns, just as my own interests have twisted and turned throughout the last six years. I wonder what people have learned about me in the 2,730 posts that I have made here in that time. Sure, you know a bit about what interests me, but my blog isn’t really about my private life so much. Still, I wonder how much of that is revealed from what I type here.
Ever since I added the “on this date” section to the right, each morning I’m reminded of something that I did, or learned, or thought was interesting on the same date in previous years. It’s an oddly comforting and useful thing, to be forced to return to the past for just a few seconds each day, to recall what was going on in one’s head.
Today? I’m worried about my trip to San Antonio to go visit my son who will be finishing up basic training in the Air Force. My car battery seemed to be completely dead yesterday, but after charging seems fine today. Carmen is still looking for a job. Will any of this still be relevent a year from now when this anniversary comes around again?
Probably not.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…