Well, I woke up this morning, kind of bleary eyed, and decided to see if I could reach any of the other QRSS grabbers during the morning hours. VE1VDM’s grabber is apparently only receiving his transmit signal, but W1BW was up and running…
There I am, drifting up in frequency across the bottom. Copy is pretty difficult. I think I was starting my callsign about 39 minutes after the hour, but… frankly, I have a hard time reading it out here. But, the signal is at least getting out.
If I do this for real, I need to solve the frequency drift issue.
Addendum: Okay, it’s the evening now, and I’m doing another test. I started out with 5w, sending a faster version of my callsign in DFCW. Then, I cut the power to only 1w, and shifted to DFCW in a slow mode. You can see it starting below. Getting through to W1BW pretty well. I’m gonna let the signal drift up a bit for now, and see if it stabilizes.
Addendum: Eric, WY7USA (nice call) copied my attempt at sending out a signal. I didn’t mention that I was trying to send out a slow version of SMT Feld Hell, because I didn’t have any luck with receiving it, but apparently Eric did. Witness his screen grab:
Copied your signal in western Wyoming (DN43le).
Sent you a screen shot of it.