I move my pretty useless blog to Hugo about 7 years ago, since I got frustrated at too many security…
Amateur Radio Station W1BW in the Morning
I’ve been trying to monitor (intermittently) some of the beacon activity on 30m. This morning, I managed to capture Amateur Radio Station W1BW, who is transmitting a “W” shaped carrier every few minutes on 10.140050. Here’s my spectrogram from this morning’s recording. The first one seems to be the strongest, but if you look carefully you can see the second one and if you imagine hard, a third:
I wonder how much power he’s running.
Addendum: Accidently left my recorder running all day, and while I didn’t see much of W1BW, I did see WB3ANQ again: his familiar sawtooth was booming in for several hours.
Comment from Bruce
Time 8/29/2008 at 8:37 am
Thanks for the report. Running 50mW into an 80m horizontal loop nominally up about 20m, except the NE corner line broke, so it’s drooping!