I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
The Cinnamon Bear (revisited)
I’ve posted links to the old time radio serial The Cinnamon Bear as part of my holiday preparations in years past. I updated this and got it working again. If you’d like to turn back your listening to a kind of neat 26 part Christmas story from 1937, try checking out The Cinnamon Bear.
Comment from tfree
Time 6/28/2009 at 11:57 am
i just wanted to thank you for the cinnimon bear, it left ahuge impression on my child mind, not so much my brothers he has always maintained that i imagined it. i had abear named pattyo, which i loved dearly.
around the early 90 s i began searching the net for pattyo, to no availe, prior to that the libraries. i knew i couldnt have made it all up in my head , and i would have had to have been in a coma to dream as much as i recalled.
well for some reason, today , it came around in my mind again , and finally , i arrived at your site and , thought i had hit pay dirt when there was an option to listen to the story even if i had to wait again till next christmas. but wooohoooo , ddownloadable pattyocinnimon bear , this will be a something i will treasure , and my grand daughters ,will now have the pleasure of the cinnimon bear. THANK YOU SO MUCH, AND BLESS YOU
There is much pleasure in useless knowledge.” — Bertrand Russell
Bertie is always right!