I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Your Daily QRSS report
Well, overnight, I didn’t get a whole lots of activity. I saw a single brief opening arout 2:15AM local time (10:00 UTC) where I got some very marginal reception from VK2ZAY and VK6DI but that lasted only for about 8 or 10 minutes, then both faded into the background. It’s now around 15:30, and I’m getting pretty good signals from W8LIW and W1BW, with maybe a hint of VK6DI just below the flying W.
Overnight WSPR spots were really terrible, with very few spots, and no real dx until just a few minutes ago. At 15:28, I got another spot from WA2YUN on Wake Island.
Addendum: Hmmph. I’ve uncovered a problem with wordpress. The thumbnail image above doesn’t match what you get when you click on it. Apparently WordPress isn’t smart enough to notice that two images have the same name, and their thumbnail filenames can collide if they occur within the same month. Lame. Strange! It seems to have resolved itself. Perhaps a caching issue?
Comment from Mark VandeWettering
Time 2/26/2009 at 10:13 am
Thanks Bill! I’m hoping that if I keep mucking with this stuff and talking about it, more stateside hams will get interested, and it’ll be more interesting to spend hours watching my browser. 🙂
Comment from Bill I0/N2CQR
Time 2/26/2009 at 9:53 am
Mark: I really enjoy the QRSS updates. I was following your latest adventures via Blackberry (hard to see DFSK CW on that little screen) while on a three day trip to Naples. I was watching your sigs on grabbers while in the shadow of Vesuvius.
73 Bill I0/N2CQR