I move my pretty useless blog to Hugo about 7 years ago, since I got frustrated at too many security…
SDR Software for the Mac
Part of the difficulty that I had testing my Softrok was the apparent lack of SDR software for my MacBook. Both WY7USA and NM5DV came through for me though, and suggested that I have a peek at DSPRadio, by Sebastian Mrozek, DO8SEM. It didn’t fix the imbalance/lack of sensitivity that I had, but it did allow me to test it in a more interactive fashion. Here I am, centered over the K beacon (the frequencies aren’t calibrated, but might be close).
Comment from jessie
Time 9/28/2009 at 11:37 pm
How about the test results?
Comment from Bernard f6bvp, Paris
Time 8/21/2011 at 3:34 am
Can you write and read .wav file (audio I/Q wideband 48000 samples/sec) from/to your Mac application
73 de Bernard, f6bvp?
Comment from Jacob Portukalian
Time 9/22/2009 at 3:00 pm
Nice find! Thanks for posting!