I move my pretty useless blog to Hugo about 7 years ago, since I got frustrated at too many security…
Test of the HTML 5 video tag…
WARNING: If your browser is “lucky” enough to support the video tag (like certain beta Firefox 3 releases, or Safari) then there should be an image below. It might also slow the loading of the page a bit. Be patient. If you aren’t lucky, it should load really fast.
Finally, finally, HTML 5 is working toward implementing a VIDEO tag (similar to the all pervasive IMG tag) which just works, out of the box. Safari and certain beta versions of Firefox already implement this tag. If I read various news reports properly, the iPhone’s browswer will implement it too.
Wouldn’t it be swell if we could just skip all the plug in nonsense and display video on our webpages as easily as images?
Comment from marxy
Time 6/9/2009 at 11:56 pm
Hmm, on second thought this really slows down the page load. Perhaps it needs some more thought.
Comment from Jeff, KE9V
Time 6/10/2009 at 3:00 pm
It isn’t showing up in Safari 4 under Win 7. I’ll have to check back with the Mac later.
73 de Jeff
Comment from smith
Time 6/20/2009 at 4:48 am
it works
Comment from Brad
Time 6/25/2009 at 10:54 am
Works on Safari on my iPhone 3.0. You need to tap the movie and it displays in the normal media player, but it still works.
Comment from Mark Deepwell
Time 7/13/2009 at 6:14 pm
Awesome, it’s great to see people trying out the html 5 video tag.
Comment from marxy
Time 6/9/2009 at 2:24 am
Hey it works in Safari 4, great stuff.
Atom Bomb.
I can’t believe it’s taken this long to have a video tag. Is this the beginning of the end for Flash?