A new low, blogging about the weather…
I was up on the hill behind my house, moving a little antenna that I have, and was immediately struck by how blazing it was. Now that I am back inside, relaxing with the laptop, I did what every geek would: surf over to weather.com to find out how hot it was. This is what I got:
I don’t think so. All of the Bay Area temps on their site seem off. It seemed to me that their must be a network issue for them. I then recalled that there is an excellent network of user-supported weather stations called The Weather Underground. They reported a much more sensible temperature. Nifty.
Addendum: I thought I’d use my iPhone to find out what it thinks about the weather. Not surprisingly, the Weather Channel applet thinks the temperature is 69 degrees, just like their online page. The built-in iPhone weather app and the WeatherBug app both report the same temperature of 84 degrees, which I believe is the temperature as recorded at the Lawrence Hall of Science, but it is quite a bit warmer here. The Weather Underground app reports 92.3. Neat.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…