I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
KR7A SSTV Demodulator
Don’t you hate it when you remember seeing a webpage but can’t remember exactly how to get there? This one took me a bunch of judicious web searching to finally uncover again. It basically details how you might go about making an SSTV demodulator, some of the details of which I was a bit sketchy on. This page not only gives you the answer, but shows some of the mathematics that makes you have some confidence that what you are doing is right. I’m too tired to figure it out tonight, but I’m archiving it for later:
Comment from Eric Wicklund
Time 1/10/2010 at 1:54 pm
Hi Mark,
I just ran across your archive of my article on the SSTV Demodulator. Thanks for doing this.. I’m not sure I could even find this in my files here any more. I since have retired from engineering work in R&D at Agilent (was split from HP) and am trying to stay active doing technical consulting work. I hope I did something good with this article to point some folks in the right direction for further development. Of course, the same basic principles are used extensively in DSP for modern communication radios today.
Eric KR7A