I move my pretty useless blog to Hugo about 7 years ago, since I got frustrated at too many security…
The principles underlying radio communication
While digging around for some information on crystal radios on the Internet (since i seemed to have misplaced the book on the subject I was looking for) I encountered some references to a book which happened to have been digitized and made available on archive.org. This book was published by the National Bureau of Standards, and no less of a luminary than Thomas Edison wrote:
This is the greatest book on this subject that I have ever read, and I want to congratulate you and your Bureau on its production.
Comment from David Few
Time 11/20/2009 at 10:20 pm
Looking through my shelves I found The principles underlying radio communication, which must be 1st edition as it just mentions the bureau of standards on the Title page and what I asume is the publisher WORLD RADIO CO. 96 Warren St New York. it doesn’t mention Tubes until the last chapter.
I have some good Vintage Wireless parts – condensers, cats whiskers, Square wire, tube sockets etc if you need anything.
David Few