LM3909 Oscillator
I was wandering the net at random, following various links, and ended up researching a rather interesting integrated circuit that I’ve used before: an LM3909 LED flasher chip. It’s an interesting chip which can flash a regular LED with a 2v voltage drop using only a single 1.5v battery. I used to have this breadboarded up on my bookshelf ages ago, and it would flash for months using a single AA cell, and probably for years using a D cell. The problem is that this chip is kind of hard to find these days, and when you can find them, you end up paying $5 each. What’s cool is that someone actually worked out the circuit from the databook and drew up a completely discrete version.
Sounds like a positive attitude for 2025. Those stiches are going make you look like Harry Potter. :-) (Should be…
I suspect the world would be better if that percentage were even greater.
Apparently 15% of all web traffic is cat related. There's no reason for Brainwagon be any different.
Thanks Mal! I'm trying to reclaim the time that I was using doom scrolling and writing pointless political diatribes on…
Brainwagons back! I can't help you with a job, not least because I'm on the other side of our little…