I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
W3EEE on LF radio..
It’s too late, I should be in bed, but once again I’m reading up on low frequency radio communication, another of those oddball interests you pick up when you read too much. I blame tuning around with the SDR-IQ this evening, where I found that a number of DGPS beacons were easily heard down around 314Khz. Trying to find more information lead me to W3EEE’s excellent LF website, which makes me think that perhaps I should try receiving NAVTEX beacons sometime. Good stuff.
Comment from Eric_SFO Area
Time 1/17/2010 at 8:49 am
hi Mark-
Stopping by agn… ref NavTex.
Have you tried the multi-mode digi program “MultiPsk” de F6CTE. The layout is a little busy- like that of a 747 cockpit. hi But fun.
I’ll send you a rcv’d NavTex pic decoded in MultiPsk on 517khz.
73 Eric n6spp (FeldHell# 204)
Comment from Elwood Downey
Time 1/14/2010 at 11:02 am
Hello Mark,
Not directly related, but wanted to thank you for your website. I just found it recently via a mention on soldersmoke. There is indeed endless stuff to explore in this world, and your site adds to my workload – er I mean enjoyment! Now you’d added LF to the list.
FYI, I’ve been working on control systems for largish (1-4m class) telescopes for much of my career as an EE. I developed XEphem along the way, see http://www.xephem.com . Have been a ham since 1974 but activity levels have varied greatly over the years. Lately I’m keen on QRP and, of all things, improving my CW skills, sort of a nod to nostalgia I guess. Now I use touchless paddles from http://www.cwtouchkeyer.com (shameless plug, I think they’re great).
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to post all the various leads and topics you get into, they’re great fodder for more fiddling and learning.
73, Elwood, WB0OEW
PS: I visited the Pixar facility way back in 1986. I was working on a medical imaging application and we were looking for new ways of rendering CT and MR data in 3D. We ended up making our own custom rendering engine with a few dozen “bit slice” processors and using voxel techniques but I have a fond memory of seeing Pixar at a fairly infant stage.