40m spots on WSPR

January 26, 2010 | Amateur Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering

I’ve got the RFSPACE SDR-IQ hooked up as a receiver again, and using it to feed WSPR. There is a ton of loud RTTY signals swamping the 40m band in the vicinity of the WSPR signals, but I’m still getting some signals. Here is the reports thusfar this evening:



Addendum: Picked up CX2ABP in Uraguay:

Picture 2

Addendum: Overnight, I picked up LA3JJ and VK4YEH among others:

Picture 4

Addendum: Overnight, it appears that my monitoring PC decided to download some security updates and reboot. Hence, logging ceased about 3:15AM local time. I just fired it back up, and got 7L4IOU in Japan and VK6POP in Australia.