If you haven’t had a chance yet, try checking out Jack Dunigan’s HAMRADIOSAFARI.COM blog. He’s (from his sidebar) the Senior Management Leader of Aidchild Inc., a project which provides homes for children for orphans living with AIDS in Uganda. While that’s important far in excess of anything having to do with ham radio, he is also a dedicated radio amateur, and has taken to blogging his ham radio adventure in Uganda. Building antennas, assembling a Tuna Tin 2, making a PTT switch, and even the adventure of getting licensed and (unfortunately) dealing with malaria have all been subjects.
Put it in your daily list of reading. And Jack, if you are reading this, best wishes to your endeavors, ham radio related and otherwise.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…