iHAB Iowa High Altitude Balloon
I was on the #hamradio channel on IRC this morning where people were watghing the progress of the Iowa High Altitude Ballon (IHAB) operating with callsign W0OTM-4. We saw it drift up to an altitude of about 88K feet, before descending. They had a 20m beacon, an APRS beacon running on 2m, and a cellular telephone tracker. Very cool. Hopefully, they’ll have some photos soon.
iHAB Iowa High Altitude Balloon.
Addendum: Using aprs, i tracked both the balloon and the chase vehicle (callsign W0OTM-2) and showed the complete groundtrack of both. Pretty neat.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…