An AO-51 recording, and an attempt at a QSO…
Well, it’s been quite some time since I tried to work any of the FM birds, but I dusted off my TH-D7A, my voice recorder and my Arrow antenna, and decided to give it a go. It was pretty busy, and as usual I found it a bit difficult to get in. I got myself in the downlink once, and KB6LTY responded, but I couldn’t get through to confirm the QSO. Oh well. I’ll give SO-50 a try later, it is usually a bit more civilized there, and we have an 85 degree pass coming up shortly.
Until then, here’s a recording of the pass, a bit scratchy in the beginning, then it gets better.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…