A cool little computer: FIGnition

November 19, 2011 | electronics, Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

I keep looking for cool projects where people build small computer and microcontrollers, more or less from scratch. Today, I ran across FIGnition:

FIGnition is a £20 educational DIY computer which works like an 8-bit home Micro: outputting to composite video and ready to be interactively programmed from the moment you switch it on. It has  8Kb of RAM; 384Kb of storage; an 8-key keypad and runs a variant of FIG-Forth. It uses USB for power; firmware upgrades and program downloads.
via fignition – Libby8dev

Very cool little Forth-based computer, using at ATmega168, a small 8K serial RAM and an SPI flash memory chip. You can either buy a PCB board, or you can assemble it on strip board. Lots of good ideas!