I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Apologies for slow website this morning…
You might be experiencing slow response to my website this morning. I think it is merely the perils of using inexpensive shared hosting, but I’ve filed a support ticket and hope that it will get resolved shortly. I appreciate your attention, and hope you will persevere in reading, even if the site seems a bit slow.
I can’t complain too much: my website costs me about two lattes a month to run, which means that I don’t need to annoy anyone with advertising and the like to provide it for you. But that being said, I would like my website to run smoothly and quickly for my users. Anybody have any good, cheap and reliable hosting that would be appropriate for running a website that sees 500 or so visitors a day? What’s this I hear about cumulous computing?
Comment from Kevin
Time 11/25/2011 at 1:19 pm
It’s Black Friday. I think it’s a wonder anything is working. Your web loaded up ok for me. If you look at the Internet Health Report, you’ll see a lot of red connections across the backbones.
Comment from Eric
Time 11/26/2011 at 10:23 am
Try out an Amazon EC2 instance. They will give you one for a year for free to try it out and after that a small instance is still pretty cheap.
Comment from Andrew Nilsson
Time 11/21/2011 at 10:54 pm
Coincidence it happens around the same time ANGST is featured on hackaday? Cool name for the project btw.