Alan’s Advent Calendar of Circuits 2011
A couple of years ago, I was big into QRSS and wrote some software to do unattended captures of the portion of the 30M band where people were operating beacons. It was through this rather unconventional means that I first discovered Alan, VK2ZAY, as his callsign scrolled across in DFCW. If you look at this capture from February, 2009, you’ll see Alan’s call near the top, with VK6DI at the bottom, and … NM5DV I think? across the middle.
I soon discovered that Alan had a very interesting blog with all sorts of good electronics stuff. But during this holiday season, he’s raised the bar again: he’s doing one circuit for each day of the Advent calendar. And the circuits are amazing. Thought provoking. Simple. And yet useful.
If you haven’t checked them out, be sure to do so.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…