I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
NJQRP’s “Chat With The Designers”
I’ve often thought that the various ham radio podcasts that I like don’t really cater to the technical side of the hobby. Sure, you can get news from the Amateur Radio Newsline, and some nice introductory material on Ham Nation or the ICQ Podcast, but on the whole these podcasts don’t address technical issues very deeply. Even SolderSmoke, a podcast dedicated to homebrew radio, doesn’t really dig into the technical details very often.
That’s why I was so pleased to see “Chat With Designers”. Every Tuesday at 8PM Eastern (0000z), George Heron, N2APB and Joe Everhart, N2CX get together on Teamspeak, an internet conferencing system and discuss technical topics of interest to radio amateurs. Back on April 24th, the discussion was on magnetic loop antennas, a subject that I am fairly interested in and I found the discussion quite interesting. What’s very nice is that they also provide MP3s of the session, logs of the text messages exchanged via TeamSpeak, as well as PDF notes that include many references. Bravo gentlemen! And thanks to the NJQRP for hosting these very cool discussions. I’ll try to tune into one live in the near future.
Comment from WA5PSA
Time 5/11/2012 at 8:07 pm
Wow, this is awesome! You’d think that a bunch of uber techs could figure out how to make it a podcast. 🙂