First reception report for the K6HX OpenBeacon…
The honor goes to Chris, WB5FKC. Chris and I exchanged signal reports occasionally back when I last was on the QRSS kick a couple of years ago, so it was nice and fitting that he was the first to spot me again. The signal is pretty rocky, but the power level here is just 100mw, which is just 1/50th the power of the previous 5W that I commonly used for QRSS back then.
I don’t know if I could have spotted this, but here is the screen grab that Chris sent me:
I thought I would be transmitting about 35hz lower than is shown here. I’ll have to look into that more.
Thanks Chris, and good to be heard by you again, OM! 🙂
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…