More OpenSCAD tinkering…
The other day, I was at Harbor Freight, and picked up an inexpensive set of digital calipers. While goofing around, I decided to try to reproduce an object using OpenSCAD. I had just received a pair of motors from Pololu. They look like this:
I sat in the editor, and set to work measuring. I didn’t really plan this out, I just hacked until the CSG operations worked out. I did not model the flat on the drive shaft, and only modeled the six mounting holes, not the three that hold the motor together on the front. But overall, in about half an hour, I learned a bunch and came up with the following model.
I’ll probably model the flats, and then figure out how to instantiate two of these and model a robots platform I’m imagining. More later.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…