Large Format Shoebox Camera…
My recent experiments with large format photography with primitive cameras has me googling and surfing around. In my rampant clicking, I uncovered this very simple camera, which is even simpler than the 4×5 cameras that our class constructed. It’s just a positive meniscus lens with a 120 mm focal length, stopped down to f/90, held in place by something called “patafix” (a kind of clay adhesive) and used to illuminate an 8×10 paper negative. At f/90, it’s definitely straddling the line between pinhole and a real lens. There is no provision for focusing at all. But at f/90, the depth of focus is rather large, and his examples are pretty impressive. Worth checking out. You can see an album of pictures from this camera here on Flickr.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…