Modulo: A simple, modular solution for building electronics
A former colleague of mine, Erin Tomson, has been running a kickstarter that I’ve been meaning to talk about, but here it is, only a couple hours before the end of it, and she’s currently $382 short of her $50,000 stretch goal, and I haven’t written anything here. Sorry Erin! Anyway, I think of Modulo as what shields for the Arduino should have been: a cool way to plug a bunch of different controllers, sensors and display modules together to prototype or build electronic circuits. I had a great discussion with Erin at the Bay Area Makefaire just a few weeks ago, and it seems like a cool system. I think the system will be especially good for education. Even computers like the Raspberry Pi, which are nominally built for education don’t make the construction of additional circuitry and sensors particularly easy. This can definitely be a stepping stone to tinkering with computing as it relates to the physical world. I pledged in at the “Tea Time, Spark Edition” level, and am looking forward to testing it out.
If you’d like to get it on this, surf over and pledge. It’s a cool gadget, and it puts an engineer one step closer to doing other great cool stuff!
The website
The KickStarter page
Update: Whoohoo! She made her stretch goal! Congratulations, Erin!
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…