I’m not dead…

December 18, 2015 | Blogging | By: Mark VandeWettering

Hey gang…

It’s been quite some time since I posted anything here. Apologies. I have had a lot going on for the last sixty days or so, most dramatically a herniated disk in my neck. I am improving though, and have some backed up ideas for blog posts, so stay tuned, and I promise over the next day or two you’ll see some posts about some small computing projects I’ve managed to tinker with between bouts of pain medication.

A tease of future topics:

  • My early experience with the Kickstarter project Modulo, created by former Pixar colleague Erin Tomson, including an unboxing video and my first impressions
  • Experience setting a home theater setup using Kodi
  • Some new hardware from China

Stay tuned!


Comment from Mike W5RST
Time 12/18/2015 at 10:10 am

Sorry to hear that you had a ruptured disk – those are no fun at all. I’ve missed reading your blog and look forward to the new posts. 73 and Happy Holidays!