Link to an SSTV decoder for the Pi Pico

January 6, 2025 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

In years past, I had developed some (largely academic) interest in slow scan television, and had implemented encoders for a variety of standard modes, using very straightforward C which I made available via my github page. But that was just the encoding side, not the decoding side, which I spent some time thinking about, but which I didn’t take the time to implement.

Today I ran across a decoder which was implemented on the Pi Pico, which (in the form of a Pi Pico 2 W) costs only about $7. Combined with an inexpensive 320×240 TFT display and a couple of resistors, it is can decode most of the images that my code could generate.

Bookmarked and saved for future reference.

SSTV decoder written for the Pi Pico