Link of the Day: VT320 fonts…
I’m old enough to have used original VT-100 terminals to access mainframe computers like the DEC-1091 we had at the U of O, although we had a mix of terminals for which I have some nostalgia now, like the Televideo 912, or even the lowly ADM-3a. When playing around like emulators like simh to run TOPS-10 (which I’ve done a few times) it just doesn’t feel the same when using modern fonts and terminals. Courier or Consolas or Lucida Sans Typewriter are just… not the same. So, it was goot that user Screwtapello went through and extracted the fonts from a VT320. Not sure what I’d ever use if for, but I’m comforted by the fact that it exists. Stored “just in case”.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…