I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Gutenberg Gem: Wood-Block Printing by F. Morley Fletcher
I admit to a fascination with most methods of print making, so it’s nice to see a rather nifty treatise on wood block printing in the Japanese style make it into Project Gutenberg. It covers the basics (at least from a technical if not artistic side) and is pretty well illustrated.
Wood-Block Printing by F. Morley Fletcher – Project Gutenberg
[tags]Prints,Printmaking,Public Domain[/tags]
Comment from Betty
Time 5/25/2009 at 11:52 am
LOOOOOOOOOOVE Gutenberg Project. Fabulous resource. Good catch here. Good example of less is more. A few lines, a bit of color. Story told. Nice. In fact, I’d like to be in that picture…I think. I did not know printmaking could be this subtle. Betty.