Occidental Grand Flamenco Xcaret
Here is the Google satellite map of the area around the Occidental Grand Flamenco Xcaret where we stayed on our Mexico vacation. Toward the bottom is a man-made inlet with a small beach where you can actually snorkle amidst some kind ofneat fish. Just to the right of the inlet is a small ruin (pictures later), and if you trace the straight path to the northwest, it bisects the main entrance hall (standing at the midpoint, you could see the Mayan ruin at one end, and the christmas tree in the three story tall lobby at the other). You can also see the rather nice swimming pools.
Just thought it was neat.
I suspect the world would be better if that percentage were even greater.
Apparently 15% of all web traffic is cat related. There's no reason for Brainwagon be any different.
Thanks Mal! I'm trying to reclaim the time that I was using doom scrolling and writing pointless political diatribes on…
Brainwagons back! I can't help you with a job, not least because I'm on the other side of our little…
Congrats, glad to hear all is well.