I suspect the world would be better if that percentage were even greater.
Sometimes it’s amazing how people on opposite sides of the world get to working on the same thing. Paolo has been workin on using a simple MP3 player to play back the WSPR tones. He basically is trying to measure and control the time difference in playback so that he gets a cycle time which is exactly two minutes.
Check out his posting:
Addendum: Back in August, 2008, I experimented with using iTunes to send WSPR tones. I was concerned with the long term stabiity of sync, and in the end wrote a program which synchronizes itself with the system clock to send out messages. Had I been clever, I might have thought of taking Paolo’s approach.
I also experimented with using this scheme to send QRSS3. It worked, but uncovered the stability issue that my FT-817 has when it is sending essentially 100% duty cycle.
Comment from Marc
Time 6/12/2010 at 3:48 am
Hallo, danke f?r den Beitrag, der hat mir ein bisschen weiter geholfen.