Archive for category: Audioblogs and Podcasting
March 24, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Baseball, Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering
Using my Dell PDA to record podcasts while on the way to work is strangely addicting. Here’s another one that features an update on my cat Scrappy and his recovery from his fisticuffs with another cat, my thoughts on the Schiavo case, and my disgust with Barry Bonds. Barry, you’ll get no huzzahs from me […]
March 22, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering
Well, today’s mobile podcast is dominated by a report on the health of my kitty. I know, I know, podcasting about your pets, how cliché is that? But I’ve spent the last 48 hours worrying about the little fuzzball, so this is what you get for subscribing… 🙂 I do have a few tiny bits […]
March 20, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering
A short short 12 minute podcast recorded in my home “studio”, which includes updates on building a LiveCD, the release of The Incredibles DVD, and our quickie movie review of The Ring, Two.
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March 18, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting | By: Mark VandeWettering
Has anyone got any comments, positive or negative, regarding the quality and/or content of my last two podcasts which I recorded in my car using my PDA? Just curious if people find them more compelling due to their less formal nature, or irritating because of the background ambient sound… Drop me an email or post […]
March 17, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting | By: Mark VandeWettering
If you’d like to put out a good sounding podcast, or at least spend some money in an attempt to do so, check out this page for Carl Franklin’s solution.
March 16, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Intellectual Property, Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering
I met Brewster Kahle a couple of years ago at Hackers, when he brought the Internet Bookmobile and printed attendees copies of Alice in Wonderland and let us bind and cut them for ourselves. Here is an episode of IT Conversations where he talks about the ideal of providing accessibility to all knowledge for everyone. […]
March 16, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering
Another mobile podcast, recorded with my Dell Axim x50v PDA and Resco Audio Recorder. This morning I chat a bit about various LiveCDs on Linux, and muse about the possibility of a specialized LiveCD for podcasting. Links from the show: Knoppix is probably the best known Linux LiveCD. Daniel Barlow’s Linux Journal article talks about […]
March 14, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering
This week I was too busy over the weekend, so I recorded this podcast using my Dell Axim x50v PDA while driving to work. It was recorded using the Resco Audio Recorder which was recommended by Josh over at TinyScreenfuls, and I must admit: it kicks ass. It allows me to record in .mp3, .ogg […]
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March 14, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, General | By: Mark VandeWettering
I didn’t get my podcast recorded last night, but one will be coming shortly… tonight. I’ve got it all recorded on my PDA, but unfortunately I have no way of getting it transferred off to my server. It will have to wait until this evening. Thanks to Jason, it’s up!
March 11, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering
Josh Bancroft recorded his TinyPodcast at a McDonald’s using his Dell Axim x50v and a $20 audio recording application. It sounds pretty darned good, much better than I imagined. I turned around and tried to use mine to do the same, but found that the background noise in my office was audible, in fact, distracting. […]
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March 2, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Blogging | By: Mark VandeWettering
I’d like everyone who has downloaded one of my podcasts to run to your nearest podcasting rating service and vote my podcast down. Give it a one. Give it no stars at all. Drive it straight to the bottom. Or don’t. I just don’t care. Frankly, I don’t look at these things. I just look […]
February 20, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Blogging, Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering
Where your host describes his mostly good experience in upgrading from WordPress 1.2 to WordPress 1.5. Links from the show: You can get WordPress 1.5 from I’m enjoying Build Your Own All Terrain Robot. I’ll probably be ordering some windshield wiper motors for my robotics project in the next week, maybe from bgmicro. Still […]
February 19, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Blogging, General | By: Mark VandeWettering
Well, there is some support for enclosures right out of the box in the new release of WordPress, but it could still handle a bit of help. The way I hacked this into the old version was to insert two special custom fields and then wire the templates to scan for these and output the […]
February 17, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Blogging, General | By: Mark VandeWettering
Well, I cloned this weblog and tried out the newest release of WordPress on the clone. Basically I used mysqldump to save everything out in the current database, then created a new database and reloaded the contents, changing all occurrances of to Then, I modified my httpd.conf file to route to a […]
February 16, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, Intellectual Property | By: Mark VandeWettering
Wil Wheaton has some distinctly harsh words for the notion that ASCAP now will sell you a license to play music on your podcasts. Peter Kim responded that: Wil, you WOULDN’T pay for an individual song. ASCAP licenses are blanket licenses, and the interactive minimum pricing they’ve set below $300/yr. Once you have the license, […]
I move my pretty useless blog to Hugo about 7 years ago, since I got frustrated at too many security…