Category Archives: Bad Science

Bad Science

I originally created several topics for this website to classify various types of Science. These included Science, Mad Science and Bad Science. Today, while browsing I found that an excellent Bad Science webpage already existed. While I normally think of bad science as pseudo science, they prefer to actually clarify genuine mistakes that are propagated in science textbooks and lore. They include nice sections on Bad Astronomy, Bad Chemistry, and Bad Meteorology. Worth reading!

It includes the excellent quotation

Be very, very careful what you put into that head,
because you will never, ever get it out.

Thomas Cardinal Wolsey (1471-1530)

Intelligent Design

Recently the topic of intelligent design has been getting
quite a bit of play in the media. Proponents of intelligent design claim
that the evidence for evolution is not really compelling: that the
biodiversity that we observe must have been the work of an
intelligent designer. Intelligent design theory is the “science” that
is supposed to prove the existence of such a designer.
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