Updating themes…
Why does the blog look different?
"There is much pleasure in useless knowledge." — Bertrand Russell
Why does the blog look different?
For several years, this blog was my major creative outlet on the Internet. Facebook was founded in February of 2004. Twitter was founded in March of 2006. But I was already using WordPress to scribble down random bits of flotsam and jetsam as early as July 21, 2002. Over the next fifteen years, I’d […]
I set up a plugin so that trying to access http://brainwagon.org should now automatically redirect to use https and the HTTPS protocol. If anybody has any difficulty with pages, drop me a quick comment here, or a note via twitter (@brainwagon) and I’ll try to see what’s up. Coming soon: my review of Google WiFi, […]
Well, I have decided to do a little well needed maintenance on the blog. I installed an SSL certificate so my blog will now be available via HTTPS, and played around a bit with a U2F Zero dual factor authentication key. My goal for the New Year is to try to spend 30 minutes every day working […]
Hey gang… It’s been quite some time since I posted anything here. Apologies. I have had a lot going on for the last sixty days or so, most dramatically a herniated disk in my neck. I am improving though, and have some backed up ideas for blog posts, so stay tuned, and I promise over […]
On this date back in 2002, I started this blog. Since that time, I’ve published 4019 posts, with a total of 725,146 words. I hope some of you have enjoyed it. I’m slacking off, but still find stuff that I think is fun, and hope you drop in from time to time to read and […]
Okay, today is February 6, which means that my revolvermap that you can see over in the left margin has been up one entire year. Right now, it’s showing 148,950 visits since it’s inception. I suspect a couple of thousand of those are actually me, but I’m pretty happy that so many people stumble their […]
I’ve been making some minor tweeks to the excellent 1024 px WordPress theme that I started using a few weeks ago. I found a small issue with the CSS for images that are supposed to be center (a priority mistake meant it didn’t work) and I’ve made a few other minor tweaks. I finally got […]
I am a long time reader of Hack A Day. It’s a great website, and often details projects that I find interesting well before they are picked up on other sites. It also tends to drive significant amounts of traffic to sites mentioned, so it’s good publicity for many interesting objects. But lately, their comment […]
Glancing to the side bar, it appears that today in 2002 was the first post on my blog. This should be post number 3,690. I’ve had 2,286 comments. I’ve used 110 category tags. Over the 12 months, Akismet has removed 193,915 spam comments, and there have been 798 pieces of “ham”. The peak month for […]
My blog may be unavailable for a short time today as I perform some needed upgrades. If all goes well, any down time should last only a few minutes. Don’t despair! I’ll be back shortly. Addendum: Upgrade seemed to go smoothly and without any problems. If you are experiencing any strangeness, try refreshing this page. […]
It was a convenient time to renew my blog’s hosting plan over the weekend, so I made my payment and you can be assured that the brainwagon blog (which as many as a dozen of you inexplicably read) will be available for another 12 months. It got me thinking about the many bloggers I know […]
I was listening to Leo Laporte and Steve Gibson’s Security Now podcast as I was commuting this morning, and found that Steve Gibson said something which clarified how I feel about Facebook and Twitter. Lots of people are upset about Facebook privacy concerns. I’m not really among them. If I post something on Facebook, I […]
Over the last couple of days, weeks, and even months, I’ve been pondering my participation in various social media: mostly my efforts at blogging and podcasting, but also my participation in things like Facebook and Twitter, as well as the possibility of using things like YouTube. I thought I’d toss out some ideas and ask […]
Just testing the wordpress application for the iPhone.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…