Upgrade Completed!
Well, I’m running WordPress 1.5! A few minor glitches, and undoubtably I still work on the “theme” a bit, but the RSS and permalinks should be okay. Let me know if you have any difficulties.
"There is much pleasure in useless knowledge." — Bertrand Russell
Well, I’m running WordPress 1.5! A few minor glitches, and undoubtably I still work on the “theme” a bit, but the RSS and permalinks should be okay. Let me know if you have any difficulties.
Well, I cloned this weblog and tried out the newest release of WordPress on the clone. Basically I used mysqldump to save everything out in the current database, then created a new database and reloaded the contents, changing all occurrances of brainwagon.org to brainwagon.net. Then, I modified my httpd.conf file to route brainwagon.net to a […]
The release of WordPress 1.5 happened sometime, and I missed it. I’ll be doing an upgrade (and a bit of tidying of my generally messy stylesheets and a few other changes) in the the next few days or so. There may be some minor bits of downtime, but don’t panic! It will all be temporary.
Carmen and I haven’t been to nearly enough movies lately, but today we got up early enough to go out and catch the nearly three hour long film The Aviator starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Martin Scorsese. This film has been out for a while, but is still in theaters because of its eleven […]
I removed the list of referers from my homepage. While it is interesting to see who is coming from other sites, it’s also clear from recent search results that I’m being targeted (although hardly singled out) by large numbers of comment and referer spammers who are presumably encouraged by even the slimmest appearance of one […]
Todd over at Geek News Central was handing out Gmail accounts to all his loyal listeners. What a good idea! I’ve got 49 invites I could pass out to interested parties, so if your in need of a nice, big, google-y mailbox, drop me an email and I’ll send you an invite as a special […]
I must admit that I’m vaguely scared of the much-rumored impending doom of TiVo. Ironically the issue which causes it to be unprofitable (lack of buddy-buddy deal with a huge cable network) also makes it most attractive: they have to get their customers the old fashioned way, by making a product people are willing to […]
While after about five yesterday I was trying to sleep off my miserable cold+headache, I noticed that I got an increase of traffic from this podcasting article. How much of a boost? Well, it’s visible on my daily visits graph, which I reproduce to the right. If you are one of the 200+ who visited […]
Today I’m home sick. I’m going to prepare some notes for a meeting I should have tomorrow if I’m not still coughing up phlegm, but the rest of the day will be spent with hot tea and my trusty new Dell PDA. The combination of wireless and bloglines mobile edition makes checking the 144 blogs […]
Chuckle-worthy video courtesy of Boing Boing: Christian Sir Mix-A-Lot spoof: Baby’s Got Book Let’s face it, any spoof of Baby Got Back has to be worth at least one chuckle.
Science fiction entries in Project Gutenberg are fairly hard to find, but here is one I haven’t read in a very long time:The Moon Pool, by A. Merritt. I’ll have to reread it again, my recollections are that it was vaguely reminiscent of H.P. Lovecraft. Check out a more well-informed review.
Keeping with a musical theme, Engadget had a nice nice entry with lots of cool links. Try checking them out, including this wacky instrument, complete with Quicktime Video, and the cool sounding homebrew SoundLab Mini Synth, a $30 circuit board that you can turn into a $60 synth. It sounds pretty cool.
Another gem from Lisa over at Learning The Lessons of Nixon This is what the internet is for, these wonderfully over-the top abundances of obsessive interest, that without the Internet, nobody would have gotten the benefit of. I couldn’t agree more.
I finally had it with the phone company. I end up spending close to $100 most months with minimal long distance charges, and that seemed like way too much. So, I got my brother to refer me to Vonage (good for a month’s free charges) and ordered their service. Today the Linksys RT31P2 arrived. It […]
If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’ve been a geek for a long time. Twenty five years ago, my geekdom took the form of “gaming geek”. In high school this meant a mild spate of RPG games, but mostly wargames from Avalon Hill and a fair number of games from Steve Jackson. I […]
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…