Cool code…
While searching for some information about Duff’s device, I ran aground on The Apocrypha, a collection of interesting code including Duff’s device and emulating a Turing machine with vi. Nifty!
"There is much pleasure in useless knowledge." — Bertrand Russell
While searching for some information about Duff’s device, I ran aground on The Apocrypha, a collection of interesting code including Duff’s device and emulating a Turing machine with vi. Nifty!
Slashdot | Bringing Back the PDP8 relates the efforts of Andrew Grillet and his attempt to make a PDP8 clone using FPGA chips. I’m virtually certain that this is a hideous waste of time, but it is kind of a cool project, and given that I spent a couple of weeks writing a PDP-1 emulator […]
Most people probably just think of Postscript as being that stuff that lives in your printer. I am probably one of the one in a million people who actually will type in Postscript programs by hand. I actually used Postscript to generate logos and stuff for this website.
I created this weblog mainly to serve as an outlet for the many myriad topics that my job, family and interests thrust into my brain each day. I have a penchant for the unusual, the trivial, the geeky, and the (hopefully) humorous. If you have a similar bent, I hope you’ll find this weblog fun […]
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…