Category Archives: General

In my copious spare time…

While awaiting a talk in an undisclosed location, by an undisclosed individual on an undisclosed subject, I found myself with time to finally work on a not-completely-unprincipled inplementation of Doppler correction in my APT weather satellite decoder. Now, completely without human intervention, I can get images like the one below by just handing the .wav file recording to my code, and displaying the resulting image. Here’s an old recording, processed with my new code:

President Elect Barack Obama

Enjoy the victory tonight. Soon, the really tough work begins.

Addendum: For all the crowing that was done last night about how miraculous it was that an African American was elected president and how far we have come, in California, widely hailed as one of the greatest state of free-thinking liberals, Measure 8 looks like it passed, writing an explicit ban against same-sex marriage into our state’s Constitution. As a married person with a partner of the opposite sex, I can’t imagine how denying George Takei his right to spend the rest of his life with Brad Altman defends my marriage from anything.

We have met the challenge of the future, and the challenge is us.

CQSS This Weekend…

I’m still working on “the code”, but this weekend is the CQ Sweep Stakes, and all the bands are alive with Morse code contacts. I recorded about 10 seconds of audio, and then converted it into a spectrogram so you could see the dozen or more simultaneous signals that are all present in a small bit of the 40m band. It’s chaos!

Try clicking on the image above for a closer look.

Silly Arduino Project #1: A Trivial Beacon

While waiting for my K1EL keyer kit to show up, I was twiddling my thumbs, and remembered that I had an Arduino microcontroller board sitting around. I originally bought it for an aborted robotics project, but haven’t touched it in months. I redownloaded the development environment, and a few minutes later, I had it happily blinking a Morse beacon message on pin 13, as well as typing the beacon message repeatedly out on its serial port.

It’s a trivial program, and the Arduino is capable of much, much more. When I get home, I’ll solder together a simple keying circuit and try it out on my FT-817.


Here’s the code running while hooked to my FT-817.

Google Earth for iPhone

There is a new Google Earth app out for the iPhone. It’s pretty cool. Grab it from the Apple App store. Nuff said.

Addendum: Okay, it wasn’t really enough said. It has a great interface, which uses the touch screen and tilt sensors in the iPhone to control the panning of the display.

Slow Scan Television via AO-51

For the next week or so, Richard Garriot will be aboard the ISS. Richard’s dad was the first astronaut to use ham radio to talk to radio amateurs from orbit, and Richard will be operating ham radio during his stay, including the ability to send slow scan television images directly from the ISS. To get a bit of a head start, AMSAT configured AO-51 to transmit SSTV images, which I tried to record using my hand held yagi. As you can see, it wasn’t that great, but the ISS should have about 20x the radiated power, so I still might luck out and get some good images.

You can look at images as they are downloaded via the ARISS SSTV blog.