Archive for category: Link of the Day

Camera Phone Test Image Gallery

September 14, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

Despite remarkably inconsistent remarks about the pictures (many are labelled with “sharp” which are not very sharp, and some are labelled “unacceptably blurry” which actually look reasonably sharp) this gallery is the first I’ve seen which tries to compare many different models of phones on a standard test scene. You can see why I’m less […]

Josh Scores New Gadgetry at PDC

September 14, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

Josh, one of the guys who convinced me (by example) to record my podcasts on my PDA scored a new Phone PC at PDC. It seems like quite a cool gadget that runs Windows Mobile 5, it even includes Skype (although Josh didn’t mention it in his brief preview). They were apparently being offered to […]

Press Your Luck

September 11, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

A crazy story I found while using Stumble Upon: Press Your Luck. As someone once said: The generation of random numbers is far too important to be left to chance.

Read carefully before registering your domain

September 7, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

Heh. Domain Rookie — Hilarious Domain Name Mispronouncings The most amusing:

DigitalGlobe to make satellite photos available to Google Maps

August 31, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

DigitalGlobe, the supplier of imagery for Google Earth and Google Maps will make freshly updated satellite images of New Orleans in the next few days. Link Update: Here is a Quickbird view of New Orleans, showing some of the flooding.

Impressive Satellite Pictures of Katrina

August 30, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

NASA has released a pretty amazing picture of Katrina as it approached landfall, with resolutions up to 6800×8000 pixels, and 250m per pixel. Click on the image to the right to be taken to the 2km per pixel version: the 250m version didn’t work in my browser.

Can you tell when people lie to you?

August 29, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

Lisa WIlliams provided an interesting link to this Science article which suggests that most people are very poor at detecting liars. Catastrophically, most people actually think they are good at detecting lies. Kind of like how more than half the drivers on the road think they are above average in skill. Or, in the same […]

Video Game Sound Quiz

August 26, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

I got 14 out of 18, from PBS.

More Flying Spaghetti Monster Links

August 25, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

More Flying Spaghetti Monster links courtesy of Boing Boing. There is even a button: I also found this one from here:

Google Talk

August 24, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

Everyone is running articles about Google Talk this morning. Apparently Google has settled on the Jabber protocol for instant messaging (gasp, a standard) and has released a pretty nice little client for Windows. Following their instructions, I’ve actually connected to the server using gaim as well. I have yet to try any of the audio […]

I’ll put this on my bumper…

August 22, 2005 | I Kid You Not, Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

Over at boingboing, bpowah has designed a “walking fish” graphic for Pastafarians. I love it. I want one for the bumper of my car. Confused? Try looking at this Wikipedia entry.

It’s Monday, and I’d like to be anywhere but here…

August 22, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I just know I’m gonna be grouchy. Everything that I have to do (like go to work) just seems like an incredible annoyance, or alternatively incredibly boring. Logging in and seeing Dan’s cool photos from Alaska reminds me that the world is a big place, and I […]

The Funniest Thing on The Onion in a while…

August 19, 2005 | General, Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. …if you are in the San Diego area, do me this favor: Go to Sea World, walk into the emperor-penguin exhibit, and punch one those fuckers right in the face. Tell ’em Michael Bay sent ya. Thanks for pointing this out, Tom.

Macro Photography Rig

August 19, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

Hack A Day has a link to an article about constructing a rig to take macro photographs. It’s a cool gadget which uses a pair of lasers as a trip sensor. His pictures are really cool.

Virtual Street Reality

August 15, 2005 | Link of the Day | By: Mark VandeWettering

From one of our internal mailing lists at work, here is a link to some of the work of English street artist Julian Beever. His drawings are unique anamorphic views: when seen from certain angles, they look normal and three dimensional, although from other views they seem oddly distorted. The geek in my wants to […]