Category Archives: Link of the Day

A Homemade PBX

Frequent readers of this blog will note that I’m a bit of a gadget junkie, and I’m particularly interested in people who build rather than merely use gadgetry. In that spirit, a while ago I played a bit with getting Asterix, a free PBX system running on my Linux box. This guy definitely has done one better: he built his own hardware pbx, complete with eight telephone extensions and the ability to process three voice calls at once. Neat, but the coolest thing was his justification of the project.

The only value this thing has is entertainment value. It’s great when there are guests with bored kids, and once set up it gets plenty of attention from the adults too, if they are engineers that is.

I don’t actually use it for anything.

It was worth building because it finally scratched that childhood itch.

There is no better reason to scratch.

It was a dark and stormy night…

Or at least (as Dan noted) it’s a dark day for fiction again, as the results for the 2005 Bulwer-Litton Contest are in. For those not familiar with this annual contest, writers submit opening sentences for imaginary novels.

My favorite entry:

When Detective Riggs was called to investigate the theft of a trainload of Native American fish broth concentrate bound for market, he solved the case almost immediately, being that the trail of clues led straight to the trainmaster, who had both the locomotive and the Hopi tuna tea.

Mitsy Rae
Danbury, NE

War of the Worlds, circa 1938

Today is the opening day for Spielberg’s War of the Worlds, but just in case you want to know what Orson Welles’ broadcast sounded like, you could surf over to The Mercury Theatre on the Air and download the mp3 or you could fetch it from me. The Mercury Theater info site deserves a plug though: they have all the broadcasts of the Mercury theater done up as a BitTorrent. They’d rather you downloaded the bunch that way, rather than just clicking on the individual link, so if all that you want is the one file, fetch it from me. Otherwise, download their piles of stuff and enjoy.

Addendum: Hmmm. WordPress seems to want to make this available as an enclosure. It looks like if you are subscribed to my podcast, you’ll get Orson Welles. Oh well. 🙂