Archive for category: My Diary
February 7, 2005 | General, My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
Today I’m home sick. I’m going to prepare some notes for a meeting I should have tomorrow if I’m not still coughing up phlegm, but the rest of the day will be spent with hot tea and my trusty new Dell PDA. The combination of wireless and bloglines mobile edition makes checking the 144 blogs […]
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January 23, 2005 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
It’s been about a week since I last put out a podcast. I wanted to do one today. After all, I’d hate to think that some of my subscribers would be disappointed by the lack of my cheerful “Welcome to Brainwagon Radio!” appearing on their personal mobile listening device. But there is a problem with […]
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January 22, 2005 | My Diary, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering
God, it’s 7:25AM and I’m awake on a Saturday. What am I thinking? Well, I’m thinking that the Apple Store opens in 90 minutes, and my wife needs a new iPod Shuffle to celebrate her return to the land of the employed. (Woo hoo!) So, we are gonna take a quick shower, get dressed and […]
January 21, 2005 | Link of the Day, My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
Apparently over in Lisa’s world, her little one took a header off the bed and bumped his noggin. All seems to be well (phew!) but it put me in mind the story of my little sister (now, not so little, with four boys of her own). When she was little, she used to like jumping […]
January 9, 2005 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
I ran a mile today. A real mile, at a real run. I probably last did that at age 25. It probably doesn’t mean much to anyone but me, but I think I should view it as quite an achievement. One of my New Years’s goals is to actually run a 10K race in 2005. […]
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January 6, 2005 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
I could spend the day stewing over my laptop, my broken ipod, the mixer, or going to the store to buy a new microphone or maybe even a new laptop. Or I could hop in the car and go off to Muir Beach with my wife instead. Hmmm. It doesn’t seem like a hard question […]
January 3, 2005 | General, My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
I have finally decided to take the plunge: my laptop is now running Linux instead of Windows XP. I got tired of trying to debug the mysteriously long boot times, purchasing yet another update to Norton’s Anti Virus, and generally just being mystified at how slow a 2 ghz laptop could act. This morning (in […]
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January 2, 2005 | General, My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
After an 11 hour drive from Portland back home, I’ve got the laptop in front of me, the Tivo playing all the shows I missed, the quilt my mom made for me on the couch, and it’s time to relax. Expect more blogging tomorrow.
January 1, 2005 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
Welcome to 2005! Hope everyone has had a pleasant holiday and is ready to get back to the serious work that we all have: namely surfing the web and listening to my brainwagon radio podcasts. 🙂 We are back to traditional brainwagon blue, no more christmas decorations. I’m still a couple of days away from […]
December 30, 2004 | General, My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
Tis a sad, sad day. My trusty Garmin GPS III was being carried by my wife down the stairs when she missed a step and tumbled down with a crash. Luckily, my wife is fine (most important) but my trusty GPS III did not fare so well, and now suffers a cracked LCD. It still […]
December 8, 2004 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
Yesterday was one of those days. You know the kind I mean. Nothing earth-shatteringly dramatic happened. Nobody had a stroke, or was poisoned or shot. My house didn’t burn down. I wasn’t fired from my job. But yesterday sucked. It began innocently enough. I had scheduled the Safelite glass guys to come out and repair […]
November 20, 2004 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
To my great relief (and no doubt, the great pleasure of my wife) I found her missing wedding ring. Apparently it slipped off while she was folding clothes, because I found it between two folded shirts in my drawer. I think it is definitely time for either resizing or replacement of these rings. Both of […]
November 17, 2004 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
Imagine the following. You are home all day, sick from work. You don’t go anywhere special, or do anything outside your home. Yet, at the end of the day, you look down at your hand and to your horror, discover that your wedding ring has slipped off your finger sometime during the day! Eek! Well, […]
November 7, 2004 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
Well, I wanted nothing more than to spend the day relaxing around the home, but my wife conned me into going over to the Legion of Honor Museum in Golden Gate Park to see their new exhibition: The Courtly Art of the Maya. Despite the fact that we arrived fairly late because of horrendous traffic, […]
September 6, 2004 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering
Spent the other day at the Oakland Zoo. I finally got some decent pictures of one of the female lions using my Nikon 4300 and zooming in. The photo on the right is cropped from the resulting 3.8 megapixel picture, and has its saturation boosted to make the image a bit more colorful.
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I move my pretty useless blog to Hugo about 7 years ago, since I got frustrated at too many security…