White Smoke
Minutes ago, Yahoo! News reported that Cardinal Ratzinger of Germany has been elected the new Pope, and will be known as Pope Benedict XVI.
"There is much pleasure in useless knowledge." — Bertrand Russell
Minutes ago, Yahoo! News reported that Cardinal Ratzinger of Germany has been elected the new Pope, and will be known as Pope Benedict XVI.
I hadn’t noticed especially, but apparently Comcast has been having difficulty with its name servers.
The Burt Rutan Designed Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer is on its way. You can get live updates via their flight tracking webpage. At this second, they are flying over Algeria at an altitude of 47,449 feet.
Check out this A nice and growing tribute to a remarkable individual. Includes some very recent photos and mp3s.
The Register reports that major music labels are trying to get music retailers to increase prices. What a good idea! Let’s make it even more costly for individuals to acquire music, that’s sure to drive down the rates of copyright infringement! Seriously, what are they thinking? The problem appears to be related to Apple’s iTunes […]
Well, the Oscars have more or less just begun, but the news is good for us Pixarians: The Incredibles won an Oscar for Best Animated Feature. Congratulations to Brad Bird, John Walker, and all of my fellow monkeys who worked on the film. It’s always great to have played a part, no matter how small, […]
It is with considerable surprise and sadness that I heard of the passing of Jef Raskin this weekend. I wasn’t a friend: merely an admirer of his work and his appearances at the Hackers conference. I found his delight with model airplanes to be infectious and genuine, and his innovative ideas to be thought provoking. […]
This post marks the 1000th entry in my weblog. Quite a milestone for me. I hope you all have found something useful or thought provoking in it. As an idea of what topics interest me the most, here is the list of the top 10 categories: Category Name Count Link of the Day 147 General […]
My wife called and informed me that a Fedex Box had shown up from Apple with my newly repaired iPod tucked inside. Neat! Now I can catch up on all the podcasts I’ve been missing. Not bad, I mailed it in on the 13th, they got in on the 14th, and today is the 17th. […]
From Italy, we get this story: A real-life Scooby-Doo villain has been jailed in Italy for four months for pretending to be a ghost. And she would have gotten away with it too, had it not been for those meddlesome kids police officers with video cameras!
I’ll try to blog shortly after to let you all what’s what.
Not a happy holiday for some. Bleh. Tsunamis are brutal.
Well, as the holiday approaches, I’ve got all three cars in the shop virtually simultaneously: My Expedition, for shocks, two tires and alignment The Jeep, for body work, and The Cavalier, for one highly fu-barred transmission. To deflect some of my bad Karma, I decided to do something nice and selfless: I went out and […]
Slate is running a scathing article by science fiction author Ursula K. Le Guin. Apparently a movie with a title similar to some of her books is running on the Sci Fi channel, and she’s not enormously happy about it.
I downloaded the most recent release of ChaitGear Powerpack, a set of WordPress Plugins that you include support for the referer list and an Amazon Wishlist. I ended up having to recompile mod_php4 and install a couple of php modules, but now all seems to work. I put up the wishlist mainly as a lark, […]
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…