Archive for category: Photography

Homebrew Photolab

March 1, 2006 | General, Photography | By: Mark VandeWettering

By way of the ReadyMade Blog, check out how to use common kitchen ingredients like coffee as photographic developers.  I’ve had an interest (mostly academic and appreciative) in alternate photographic processes for some time, and while this relies on standard emulsions, the use of ordinary kitchen stuff for developers and fixes is really quite intriguing. […]

It’s a Small World After All…

January 27, 2006 | General, Photography | By: Mark VandeWettering

Check out these cool landscape photos by Olivo Barbieri. He takes photos of landscapes, and then modifies them to make them look as if they were pictures of tiny models. They give a very curious case of perspective. Addendum: Juan read more carefully than I, and explains that these are shot with a tilt-shift lens. […]

Check out this short film, shot with a still camera…

January 15, 2006 | Photography, Video | By: Mark VandeWettering

Got this from digg, this entire short film was created by using the burst mode of the Canon 20D. The shots look really nice, with lots of great depth of field and exposure. Previously, I blogged about how The Corpse Bride was filmed using digital still photography, but this is the first time I think […]