Category Archives: Podcasting

Yours Truly on the Zombie Tech podcast

One of the more gratifying benefits of blogging is that it provides an opportunity to meet people who share your interests and enthusiasms. A few months ago, I became aware of the crew on the #savagecircuits IRC channel on AfterNET and started hanging out there. Various group members like Atdiy, whisker, JohnS_AZ, MakerDino, and Roy_Eltham (and others) all have participated in Ustream sessions, group Skype calls, and even played some Minecraft together. It’s a fun group.

Atdiy and whisker have started a new podcast called “Zombie Tech” which is basically just an extension of these online sessions. Nominally, the purpose is to pool our geek talents to figure out how we might survive the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse™, but as serious as that is, we seem to spend most of our time talking about some of the geeky projects we are engaged in, trying to teach each other and learn more about electronics, microcontrollers, programming, and using the Internet to spread more enthusiasm for more of the same.

They asked me to be on this week, and we talked for an hour. I’d be interested in hearing any feedback (hopefully positive and constructive, but any is welcome). And thanks to Atdiy and whisker for inviting me on.

ZombieTech – Zombie Tech 004.