Archive for category: System Notices
January 2, 2006 | Blogging, System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
Well, I’ve upgraded to WordPress 2.0. Like all previous upgrades that I’ve performed, this one seems to have gone without a hitch, and all things that I expected to work seems to work just fine. The biggest change that is immediately visible is the new posting interface, which uses a WYSIWG type interface. It seems […]
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January 1, 2006 | Blogging, System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
I think I’m gonna try to upgrade to WordPress 2 on the 2nd. If you can’t reach this site, you’ll know what’s up. See you when I’m back alive!
October 17, 2005 | General, System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
Mneptok let me know that comments on my blog were broken (I had forgotten to reinstall Image Magick when I upgraded the operating system). That should be fixed now. Let the comments commence!
October 11, 2005 | General, System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
I’m probably going to have some intermittent downtime today as I work on upgrading my FreeBSD server box. Expect full functionality tomorrow.
July 21, 2005 | General, My Projects, System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
I feel strangely sad by the following graph:
March 11, 2005 | General, System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
According to, around 60% of you are still using Internet Explorer to read this blog. For shame! If you are using IE, get thee over to a more sensible alternative, namely Firefox. Out with the old, in with the new!
March 8, 2005 | General, System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
General system badness today. I hope all will be better now.
February 16, 2005 | General, System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
The release of WordPress 1.5 happened sometime, and I missed it. I’ll be doing an upgrade (and a bit of tidying of my generally messy stylesheets and a few other changes) in the the next few days or so. There may be some minor bits of downtime, but don’t panic! It will all be temporary.
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February 12, 2005 | System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
Well, I was kind of depressed that only one person stepped forward to request a gmail account. Does everyone already have a gmail account? Well, perhaps so. Theo stepped up and mentioned the gmail invite spooler which redistributes unused gmail invites. They have 182K accounts in the queue, ready for distribution. Wow, that’s 182 […]
October 21, 2004 | System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
Something occurred this morning that I have never seen on a FreeBSD-stable box: something glitched and my webserver was hung (I suspect for a very short time) and the webserver was offline. If this affected your ability to read my blog or listen to my podcasts, my deepest apologies.
July 24, 2004 | System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
Well, my server has locked up a couple of more times in the last 24 hours. I’m perusing the FreeBSD-current mailing list to see what the difficulty is and hopefully will discover a remedy. Until then, your patience is appreciated. Thanks. Addendum: It’s alive! Well, here’s the long and the short of it. The short: […]
July 22, 2004 | System Notices | By: Mark VandeWettering
I had some unscheduled system downtime today. A couple of times in the last couple days, my system (which was heretofore incredibly reliable) has mysteriously locked up while I was at work. Puzzling! I’m trying to sort it out, hopefully, there will be no repeats.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…