Archive for category: Toys and Gadgets

The Xbox 360?

February 4, 2005 | Games and Diversions, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

According to Engadget, the rumor mill has ground out the name Xbox 360 for the successor to Microsoft’s Xbox. To give you a head start on all the fun, perhaps you’d like to install emulator for OS360…

IPOD-Photo Stereoscope

February 4, 2005 | Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

Oh good lord! IPOD-Photo Stereoscope Addendum: Kind of timely, after looking at all these old stereograms on the Library of Congress Website. Paul Bourke has a really cool website in general, with many good things to stare at, and has a nice page explaining the math behind stereoscopic imaging (which is in itself, rather interesting).

The Mac Mini as a Server: Good idea?

February 2, 2005 | Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

Over at Flutterby!, Dan Lyke was baiting comment by suggesting that you could do better than a Mac Mini for a small server. I’ll try to bait some comments out by asserting the same thing: small servers like this one are pretty cost effective, and if what you really want is a server, FreeBSD or […]


January 31, 2005 | Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

Allright, allright, I’m getting too fascinated by these tiny computer things, but I was reminded of these guys – all things small. Cute thing: it includes a 400 Mhz processor, a Bluetooth module and an MMC slot for flash. For $214. Neat!

Hey Garmin, Learn from Apple

January 31, 2005 | Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

Garmen just released a new product: the GPS 10, a simple Bluetooth GPS that you can use with your PDA or laptop. A great idea, except that the price is $267. C’mon. You can get a GPS with a nice display for about $100: why so much for the stripped down model without a display? […]

TiVo’s Home Media Engine launched | PVRblog

January 31, 2005 | Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

Those guys over at PVRblog are on top of everything TiVo, and today that includes news that they’ve released TiVo’s Home Media Engine. You can get the developer code at sourceforge, and they are apparently going to run a contest for the best applications that can run on the TiVo. What’s it all about? You […]

Brainwagon Radio: New, but Still Noisy Recording and the NSLU2

January 30, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

Wherein your host tries out his new Behringer UB802 mixer (with mixed results) and goes on about his new project: hacking on “the Slug”, a Linksys NSLU2 network storage device. For all the enthusiastic support that I’ve read for the Behringer as a decent mixer for the beginner, I’m still getting a substantial amount of […]

The Sound of iPod

January 29, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

Awesome hack, courtesy of Ran on the front page of slashdot, but they don’t need my link.

HomeSeries Net-Box

January 27, 2005 | Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

In a previous post I talked about my desire for a digital homestead, an appliance which you could use to create your own persistant network presence. Ideally it would be a small, inexpensive and robust box that would provide flexible web services, probably ssh, email, and a bunch of other cool and useful things. Well, […]

Mini Surgery

January 23, 2005 | Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

I remember hearing the following question: Q: An alien comes down in a spaceship and hands you a small oblong gizmo. He tells you that it will resolve all national conflicts, cure all known diseases, and grant immortality. Do you: Present it to the President of the United States? Present it to the President of […]

Brainwagon Radio: Small Webservers and Telescope Making

January 23, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

Where your noble host apologizes for his infrequent podcasts, and goes on to describe why he thinks small devices are interesting as webservers, with some suggestions. Also, the history of his involvement in telescope making. My interest in these small webservers are for implementing an idea that I’ve been calling a digital homestead: a small, […]

Today’s Geek Adventure

January 22, 2005 | My Diary, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

God, it’s 7:25AM and I’m awake on a Saturday. What am I thinking? Well, I’m thinking that the Apple Store opens in 90 minutes, and my wife needs a new iPod Shuffle to celebrate her return to the land of the employed. (Woo hoo!) So, we are gonna take a quick shower, get dressed and […]

Vonage Doo-Hickey Arrived…

January 21, 2005 | General, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

I finally had it with the phone company. I end up spending close to $100 most months with minimal long distance charges, and that seemed like way too much. So, I got my brother to refer me to Vonage (good for a month’s free charges) and ordered their service. Today the Linksys RT31P2 arrived. It […]

MacWorld Keynote Underway

January 11, 2005 | General, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

What can I say, Steve is a master. Short list of stuff so far: Tiger improvements include: Spotlight Desktop Search Dashboard Quicktime 7, with H.264 iLife ’05, with new versions of all major apps More later. iWork, with Keynote 2 and Pages, a new wordprocessing app The Mac Mini, $499 or $599, very small, very […]

Apple Keynote in 1 hour

January 11, 2005 | News, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

I’ll try to blog shortly after to let you all what’s what.