Archive for tag: ESP8266

Update on My “Solar” satellite station…

January 5, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Previously I had written up a bit on my project that I have called my “solar satellite station.” I used quotes around the word “solar” in the title because for the past couple of months, it has mostly been sitting on my workbench in my garage, occasionally powered up by a 12V charger rather than […]

How not to code an simple IOT sensor, and a new task list.

December 9, 2018 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

This weekend I mostly did work on further organization and cleaning of my garage workshop.  This included taking out the old dog door and cutting a plywood cover to block it up, putting up a monitor mount so I could hang a new $80 22″ HDTV that I could use as a monitor, and then […]