Brainwagon Radio: Kudos, Drawing and Helix DNA Server

Wherein your host lists a number of people who have said nice things about us, and mentions the weekend’s projects: a new icon redesign for brainwagon and Helix DNA Server.

Items mentioned in the podcast:

One thought on “Brainwagon Radio: Kudos, Drawing and Helix DNA Server

  1. Chad

    Hi Mark- I’m in the process of listening to this show and had to pause it and run over and make one clarification. The streaming site that I’m working on, is not an alternitive distribution method of podcasting, but an additional method. I hope the feeds that have been submitted so far are also following the current standards of using enclosures and direct file downloads. I’m merely presenting an additional way to potentionally hear something new that you otherwise might not of heard.

    Editor’s note: I didn’t mean anything different than what you describe. To me “alternate” did not imply that the other method would be depracated, merely that this would be another way of receiving podcasts. If it came accross as otherwise, it would hardly be the first time I said something that was hard to understand. 🙂

    And also, thanks for the links and nice words.

    No problem, Chad.


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